The Benefits Of Our Services For Both Landlords And Tenants

  • 2 years ago
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Letting agents are an important part of the local property market, providing a range of services to both landlords and tenants. At Bedfordshire Accommodation Bureau our services include everything from advertising and finding tenants, to managing the property and handling maintenance issues.

One of the key benefits of using our services is that we have a wealth of experience and expertise when it comes to the local property market. We will be able to provide valuable advice on things like the best areas in which to invest, if you are a property investor, the type of property that is in demand, and how much the local rent is. This can be incredibly helpful for landlords who are not familiar with the local market.

Another benefit of using our services as an estate agent in Dunstable is that we save our landlords a significant amount of time and effort. We deal with all of the administrative tasks associated with renting out a property, such as drafting contracts, collecting rent, and dealing with any legal issues that may arise. This can be a huge relief for landlords who are busy with other commitments and don’t have the time or energy to handle these tasks themselves.

Guaranteed Rent

One of the most important things for any landlord, if not the most important, is to know that the rent is going to come in on time every month. We have you covered there as well, because we provide all our landlords with guaranteed rental income regardless of any property circumstances. That means that there are no income shortfalls, even if your tenant falls behind with the rent.

In addition to that, should it ever become necessary to carry out an eviction, we also provide full legal cover for all eviction and court costs.

We also offer a range of services to tenants. We can help tenants find suitable properties that meet their needs and budget. We can provide advice on things in the local area, especially in and around Luton and Dunstable, such as transport links, local amenities, shops and schools.

Overall, our letting services in Luton and Dunstable can be a great resource for landlords and tenants alike. We have been letting properties for over 30 years, so there is nothing that we do not know.

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